The curse of creativity

Chronic's of whatever!!
3 min readFeb 20, 2021

We all like creative people, we all are creative to some extend, some more then others. We all have imagination thank god, some use it to be billionaires, others are just happy to colouring a book without getting out of the borders.

Then are the real, pure creatives, people so day dreaming imaginative to make the more pragmatic anxious. But not all it’s well among us creatives, sure it’s thanks to us the iPhone it’s that elegant or some Chopin can make you blue.

In pop culture we are portrait as either suffering, often crazy and always unusual. That view isn’t completely incorrect truth be told, but we indeed suffer and I say this in a non shakespearing way. Yes we suffer.

Again, in pop culture shows we suffer for our art, for a brunch of pain, or a distant muse more result of a fantasy then any humanly possible reality. We suffer, but the real suffering isn’t all that romantic.

To us life it’s a piece of crap like everyone’s else, some of us have side jobs, cause art can’t pay it all and there we suffer.

We suffer like everyone , we have the same vices, the same pain like the Pain in the ass family more happy with your misery then your sucess and then… we suffer

Yes we are strange, but it’s this strangeness that allow us to live and create. If we were “normal” we wouldn’t be what we are. I was bullied for being like this, friends and family know that am unusual but I am still growing to understand that in me.

As I believe, better strange then boring, at least strangeness puts you on your toes. Many are happy being boring, conventional and has its beauty I must confess. But I admire it because it’s not who am.

Am from a village in portugal where most people never left their provinces far less travel the world and they are happy that way.

But are those people that often see creatives like me or us creatives like social freaks and weirdos. Some people are pushed to travel, immigrate and explore the world and ideas, while others staying give them all their need. Both are correct

Maybe some relative thinking might be in order for this case, if others value whats on the horizon doesn’t mean that you like your patch of land it’s less important. Value exists where we put our heats and mind, no matter where that might be and it’s our duty as humans to respect that world view and personal choices.

Ps: Truth be told that the article went on a direction I didn’t plan. Well wasn’t the finish I had in mind but this one isn’t bad.

Life takes you in all kind of directions sometimes if one it’s able of talking something from the journey and even it’s end, wasn’t a waisted experience after all .



Chronic's of whatever!!

Award-winning graphic designer, radio cultural critic, editor, short story fantasy writer, experimental filmmaker…living creative!!